Projects at dfarma


D’Farma Ventures Ltd has successfully implemented eco-sustainable, high-tech agro-pastoral solutions throughout Cameroon, revitalizing and enhancing the agricultural value chain through various projects in collaboration with the following organizations:


The Presidential Plan for Reconstruction and Development (PPRD) is a key component of the National Development Strategy (NDS), designed to mitigate the impacts of the crisis on the populations of the NW/SW regions and accelerate their recovery in alignment with the rest of the country. This initiative is jointly funded by UNDP and the Government of Cameroon (MINEPAT and MINFI).


(i) Restore social cohesion
(ii) Reconstruct and rehabilitate basic infrastructures
(iii) Revitalize the local economy

Milestones and Achievements:

D’Farma, in partnership with UNDP, has organized social cohesion activities such as cultural festivals, football/handball matches, and other community events.

In collaboration with UNDP under the Recovery Program, D’Farma has trained and provided support to over 10,000 farmers organized into CSOs and FBOs in the NW/SW regions of Cameroon.

NRC (Norwegian Refugee Council)

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organization dedicated to assisting people who are forced to flee their homes. NRC provides integrated, multi-sector support, addressing immediate needs and linking them to recovery efforts, with a particular focus on internally displaced persons.


  • Deliver quality education to children
  • Enhance food security and restore livelihoods, especially for internally displaced persons
  • Provide shelter and settlements for displaced populations
  • Ensure access to adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene services (WASH)
  • Offer information, counseling, training, and legal assistance on civil documentation, security of tenure, and the protection of housing, land, and property (HLP) rights

Milestones and Achievements:

D’Farma, in collaboration with NRC, provided these farmers with three-week-old birds and two-month-old piglets to support their agricultural activities.

In partnership with NRC, D’Farma has trained over 500 poultry and piggery farmers in fowl and pig production.


INTERSOS is an independent organization that collaborates with numerous local associations and organizations, as well as key European and international institutions and agencies, to identify and address the risks and protection needs of vulnerable populations.


  • INTERSOS has focused on strengthening agricultural production and livestock breeding by distributing seeds and agricultural tools to help communities improve their autonomy and resilience amidst growing food insecurity.
  • Provided psychological and psychosocial support to vulnerable populations affected by the crisis.
  • Assisted vulnerable individuals in obtaining civil documentation, raised awareness, and distributed dignity kits for women and girls.

Milestones and Achievements:

D’Farma, together with INTERSOS, provided the trained farmers with tools and equipment to support their agricultural activities. trained over 500 poultry and piggery farmers in fowl and pig production.

In partnership with INTERSOS, D’Farma has trained over 350 farmers in innovative agricultural techniques.

PDCVA (Agricultural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project)

The Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (PD-CVA) is a strategic initiative designed to implement Cameroon’s vision of strengthening its position as an agricultural leader in the Central Africa sub-region, first adopted in 2009. This vision is carried out through the 2010-2020 Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (GESP), which focuses on three main pillars: growth, employment, and governance, along with the strategic management of the state.


(i) Enhance the competitiveness of the oil palm, plantain, and pineapple value chains.
(ii) Create job opportunities, particularly for youth.
(iii) Sustainably improve the incomes of stakeholders in the targeted crop sectors.

Milestones and Achievements:

D’Farma has been contracted to establish various transformation units across the country. INTERSOS, D’Farma has trained over 350 farmers in innovative agricultural techniques.

D’Farma has trained over 2,500 plantain farmers in innovative techniques for producing plantain chips and flour.

PIDMA (Programme D’investissement et de Developpement des Marches Agricoles)

The project focused on increasing the supply and added value of cassava, corn, and sorghum products for beneficiaries, including agricultural farms, cooperatives, and small to medium-sized agricultural enterprises.


(i) Provide support for production, processing, and marketing.
(ii) Strengthen capacity and offer institutional support to public services.
(iii) Offer financing support through partner banks.

Milestones and Achievements:

Created employment opportunities for 52 youth during the project implementation.

D’Farma trained over 2,000 maize farmers in innovative maize production techniques from 2017 to 2019.

D’Farma produced more than 195 tons of food maize, which was marketed to various agribusinesses, including SPC and CFC.